Silk Ribbon Embroidery Hints and Tips by Di van Niekerk
Where to start?
When starting a project, I am often asked, where do I start?
Start anywhere to get a feel for the texture of the design. Start with thread, start with ribbon, whatever suits you so you can get a feel for the design.
Then it's best to stitch the bulk of the stitches in thread first. Stitches such as French knots, seeding, stem stitch filling and bullion knots.
Do the ribbon part of your embroidery last, working from the back towards the front part. This prevents the ribbon from being flattened by hard-working hands.
For example, in this popular
English Cottage design, you would embroider the thatch roof and the window panes, the small cottage's roof and wall before making the trees...
The flowers on the wall would be embroidered last in this picture.
Would love to see what you are making!
Until next time, have fun with your embroidery!
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